Saturday, August 13, 2011

oh so who cares

maybe I have been unmotivated or tried or lazy....but just don't feel like blogging...I mean I started in 2006..I think... but only blog a few times out of the year. Well the store has been busy so it has been hard to take pictures of my outfit and even some of the stuff I have made. On another note....Leos rule! Birthday wishes to all my fellow LEOS.

I had that necklaces at the store and it finally a fellow lioness!

 I went to South Lake Tahoe to celebrate our ol'man and I have the same!!

There was an Adidas store! He scored two pairs oh we like the ORIGINALS ONLY!
I got some white leather Samoa. I was going to get a track suit but I don't know how I will fit into it in a few  months. OH they had the cutest kids shoes!



I made a few more this one is my favorite

OK this was for me but now I can't find

I wish I could eat this right now! This gas station in Modesto had these for a dollar and they were fresh and so soft

ok maybe next week I can get on the ball again...later
going to nap now
P.S I want to vent!!!! Sorry only the chosen few are allowed to hear me ROAR