Saturday, November 20, 2010

hey dude and SwanClothing

 for the times I want to rant or be stupid or be a weirdo.  Signed up on Tumblr  I like to cuss once in a while...

I adore SwanClothing I don't know how many times I have said this but I do!
She recently has made some sock garters and thigh garters

Now she has added lace suspenders to her collection

I recommend you  follow her and buy from her!

coming soon more jewelry and maybe some other stuff!


coco kailee said...

I love, love, looove those garters! I usually only wear vintage garter rollers, but those are just so fabulous; I may have to break the cycle in purchase some new! Lol! Thank you for sharing :}

xoxo coco

Porkchop Rules said...

they are amazing.

Liz Franco said...

SO haute!

Kara - I want to re-design your blog! I was thinking of incorporating your little panda into your header. Email me!

Porkchop Rules said...

ok will do!

natale eve said...

I LOVE those lace suspenders.

Porkchop Rules said...

I have been a fan of the Swan since 2007. Her craftmenship is top-notch and her style is classic. hearts

SWANclothing said...

that's my butt!