Wednesday, June 8, 2011

feather porkchop moon sister...

hello let's dance to the moon

all sold except the large purple rain agate

take it off!

now belongs to kerry D.

picnik a little to yellow

sold out

thinkin'..take time to do your hair

outfit-all second hand


Nikki Mortham said...

I need to get my butt into crimson, miss you!

citizen rosebud said...

I feel like I just partied with you. and now I want to party with you.
PS: get rid of your captcha (word verification), you don't need it.

Porkchop Rules said...

Nikki its been a while....Rosebud I'm on it...I use to get spam so that why I use it

flaming hag folkwear said...

loving these photos of you!

Porkchop Rules said...

thanks I was being silly