Sunday, October 23, 2011

what I put on my belly

The joys of a larger belly. SO Far I have gone through THREE Basq Body Butter and on my SECOND Resilient Body Oil. I also got a free Body Polish when I purchased the Basq products from Pea in the Pod. Um that place is expensive. I think I will try seeing about getting the products on EBAY.
this stuff smells so good and feels so good. I tried the Palmer's Lotion and I hated the way it smelled.

what I wore on Thursday.
a Birthday gift from Nicole
I had like two people that said they had the same dress that day....weird

skull necklace from Patch NYC 
on clearance from Fred years ago

TODAY I was 100% thrift
I would have taken more pictures but I just wasn't feeling it at the end of the day.
leather tooled THUNDERBIRD necklace made by
I wore my Dexter boots I got from Olipom...I wear them all the time just check out my older post.


WE both are having boys.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

oh boy

Sorry it's been awhile....this is a quick post. I had some ideas but it was so busy at the STORE today. Hey I'm not complaining. So I wish I could blog more about dressing my new body....I wear my nice vintage stuff at work and when I'm at home I have been wearing sweats from Target. I am still able to wear my size....well for now at least.
Dragon Baby
gift from Nicole
Vintage 80's wow!

end of a busy day


 shoes blowfish...HE is getting bigger

I lost my Tia in September due to Breast Cancer.
She was a fighter all the way. She also suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis from when she was a teen. She never let it slow her down. She worked as a teacher and retired...and even though she may have been in pain she worked. She also was a loving and giving Mother.

She said I was going to have a boy....she was right