Sunday, October 16, 2011

oh boy

Sorry it's been awhile....this is a quick post. I had some ideas but it was so busy at the STORE today. Hey I'm not complaining. So I wish I could blog more about dressing my new body....I wear my nice vintage stuff at work and when I'm at home I have been wearing sweats from Target. I am still able to wear my size....well for now at least.
Dragon Baby
gift from Nicole
Vintage 80's wow!

end of a busy day


 shoes blowfish...HE is getting bigger

I lost my Tia in September due to Breast Cancer.
She was a fighter all the way. She also suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis from when she was a teen. She never let it slow her down. She worked as a teacher and retired...and even though she may have been in pain she worked. She also was a loving and giving Mother.

She said I was going to have a boy....she was right


theequinebovine said...

Kara, you look soooo good in red..I guess why that song was written "Lady in reeeedd.." Okay, I'm a dork. Anywho. You look really pretty..I hope your heart is healing . I am send my love to you .xo

Teeny said...

Dreaded Breast Cancer. It has travelled through my family, and hangs like a ghost over my mother. Sorry it has been near you too lady. That dress is flippin fantastic.

Porkchop Rules said...

Kerry DORKs are cool! husband loves red lipstick...
Teeny thanks so has a rope belt but with the belly it just didnt work for me. Sorry about your Mother, and other family members...well my Grandma had it in the 70's and she is 91 so I know there is hope.